Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cash Cow 6 -- Power Asset

The following news line is worthy noting. It said that because of potential investment opportunities and the subsequent capital needs, 6 is not going to distribute its cash holdings to share holders.


電能不派特息 瞄準三收購



電能4月底宣布,成立合資公司以約70.65億元收購赫斯基能源(Husky Energy)輸油管道資產65%權益。至於第二、三個項目,早前撰寫報告預告電能會暫緩派息的大和資本市場香港中國公共事業、再生能源及環保研究主管葉捷賢相信,項目將會包括長建夥拍電能參與競投的澳洲電網公司(Ausgrid),估計可能於8月會有結果,屆時適逢上市公司公布半年業績,電能或會視乎競投結果而再作派特別股息的決定。葉捷賢目前仍然較看好長建多於電能,預期前者較後者有更多併購機會,同時長建持有電能近40%股份,能受惠電能任何合併收購機會。




The responsibilities of the managers is to act as the shareholders' agents and to maximise the return of their shareholders. If the potential acquisition is OK, a rational shareholder should support the management professionals to do so because managers can utilise their moneys smarter than the individual shareholders.

If you trust the managers, let them hold and use the cashes. If you dun trust them, how come you invest in them and their company at the outset?

However, I like 1038 more than 6. how about you?

6 is a typical cash cow, it generates large amount of cash inflow. The difficulties of its managers are how to maximise the investment return of the pool of money. It is not always means that holding more money is better. Sometimes, too much idle cash will motivate the managers to make bad decisions. Be careful.

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