Tonight, we (the whole family) watched the great encounter of Lin Dan and Lee Chung Wai. An excited badminton war in the 2016 Brazil Olympic Game.
The two players played hard and their performance were both outstanding. Lin Dan lost but with glory we can say.
In most of the time, their scores were one point difference only. Their performances and skill levels are so close. In game 3, Lee Chung Wai took advantage of his lead and scored two points consecutively, their battle ended at 22-20, so CLOSE and amazing.
We enjoyed an exciting night too.
It is too late now, go to bed first, haha,
Friday, August 19, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
一句總鮚: 大快活全年多賺近四成 連特別息派1元
大家槳的內地業務是蝕本的, 而大快活是賺錢的, 這是一個重要的分別.
大快活已經不再是跟住大家樂走的影子股票,他有自己的強弱項,有屲己的生意模式... 有自己的一套. 似乎我要買埋52 了. 但它現在基數不低, 還可以保持這個增長的速度嗎?
一句總鮚: 大快活全年多賺近四成 連特別息派1元
大家槳的內地業務是蝕本的, 而大快活是賺錢的, 這是一個重要的分別.
大快活已經不再是跟住大家樂走的影子股票,他有自己的強弱項,有屲己的生意模式... 有自己的一套. 似乎我要買埋52 了. 但它現在基數不低, 還可以保持這個增長的速度嗎?
Thursday, June 23, 2016
341 又公布業績
341 對上一次公布的業績令我好失望, 今次又點呢?
答案係: 去年賺5億跌11% 連特息派0.98元
大家樂內地縮舖 港今年勁開店
放大圖片 / 顯示原圖
又是一間在大陸發展碰壁的例子. 在最後,仍然是回到香港這個大本營做生意.
希望佢咁做法可以止血啦, 大陸人好多都未接受到Spaghetti House 的食物和單價..
努力, 我會繼續支持你的!!
答案係: 去年賺5億跌11% 連特息派0.98元
大家樂內地縮舖 港今年勁開店
放大圖片 / 顯示原圖
又是一間在大陸發展碰壁的例子. 在最後,仍然是回到香港這個大本營做生意.
希望佢咁做法可以止血啦, 大陸人好多都未接受到Spaghetti House 的食物和單價..
努力, 我會繼續支持你的!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
823 releases the most updated performance
In the afternoon, the Link reveals its annual performance for the period ended 31.3.2016.
The outlook is good and the key financial indicators are encouraging and improving.
First of all,
See? the overall figures are very good.
It is expected that the effects of the acquisitions in mainland will improve the operation figures, And, more rental income is expected from this geographical area. So, it is of no surprise if Link can report an even better performance a few months later.
My main concerns with this share is the gloomy economical conditions and the decreasing trend of retailers' businesses. It may harm the bargaining power of the Link in front of the retailers.
Luckily, the Link is concentrated in shopping arcades for daily commodities instead of luxury products. Also, Link's shopping centers are not deeply involved in the sales of tourists like pharmaceutical shops and other hot products. So, the Link still has good bargaining power I believe.
I expect the share will maintain its relative strength in share price.
The outlook is good and the key financial indicators are encouraging and improving.
First of all,
See? the overall figures are very good.
It is expected that the effects of the acquisitions in mainland will improve the operation figures, And, more rental income is expected from this geographical area. So, it is of no surprise if Link can report an even better performance a few months later.
My main concerns with this share is the gloomy economical conditions and the decreasing trend of retailers' businesses. It may harm the bargaining power of the Link in front of the retailers.
Luckily, the Link is concentrated in shopping arcades for daily commodities instead of luxury products. Also, Link's shopping centers are not deeply involved in the sales of tourists like pharmaceutical shops and other hot products. So, the Link still has good bargaining power I believe.
I expect the share will maintain its relative strength in share price.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
信報在今日的今日 18:42 時事脈搏報導:
今年有超過4% 的加幅,講真我收貨了,出面的環境真的不很好呀。
低級公務員原本只得3% 的加幅,按慣例他們得到提高至中絡公務員的水平,即係指4.68%,不錯了吧。
現在唯一的 UNKNOWN 係唔知拉布拉到幾時才通過D 撥款了。
今年有超過4% 的加幅,講真我收貨了,出面的環境真的不很好呀。
低級公務員原本只得3% 的加幅,按慣例他們得到提高至中絡公務員的水平,即係指4.68%,不錯了吧。
現在唯一的 UNKNOWN 係唔知拉布拉到幾時才通過D 撥款了。
Friday, May 20, 2016
由中國銀行(03988)分拆的中銀航空租賃(02588)現正招股至5月24日中午截止,按每股42元發售約2.08億股,包括發行1.04億股新股,中行間接全資附屬Sky Splendor將出售1.04億股舊股。7.5%作本港公開發售,並有15%超額配股權,集資約87.45億元,若超額配股權悉數行使,將集資過百億。預計股份於6月1日掛牌上市。
†he IPO is being conducted. How do you feel about this new share? I personally like it very much. Will you apply for the IPO?
This time, the offering price is fixed at 42 dollars per share, which is different from the widely used price range in the IPO process. Do you think it's because the holding company is very optimistic about the offering?
One point that concerns me a bit is the proposed dividend payout ratio is limited to 30% of the net profit. It may be because the industry requires a strong stream of cash (retained earnings) at all time; Or, it is simply the management is not willing to share the profit with the shareholders in the form of dividend. But no matter which is the true intention, a 30% payout ration can only be described as reasonable, but not attractive if I weigh this share against this financial indicator.
I should seriously consider to subscribe for this share.
Hope you will consider this as well.
Let's discuss the IPO, yeah!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
The power of FREE! option
Today, I don;t write on investments, I prefer to play a quiz with you instead.
Today let's be honest to yourself and answer my questions. You will see how irrational you are.
The question is : Suppose I offer you a choice between a free 10 Amazon gift certificate and a 20 gift certificate for 7 dollars. Think quickly, and answer yourself, Which would you take?
If you jump for the 10 dollars certificate for FREE!, you would have been like most of the people some scholars tested at one of the malls in Boston.
The irrational point is that the 20 dollars gift certificate for 7 dollars assures a 13 dollars profit while the FREE option delivers 10 dollars. It's clear that go for the 20 dollars certificate is better than the 10 dollar FREE option which only delivers 10 dollars profit.
Can you see the irrational behaviours we have chosen? Or, are you a rational or irrational people? I am irrational haha!
The attractiveness showed that the FREE! option is clearly in its own class of choice. It triggers own irrational mind in this experiment.
I will share again on this topic in the coming few days, that's interesting!
Interesting reading. Enjoy behavioural economics. Make the subject simple, more people will enjoy it.
Do you prefer the 10 dollars profit or the 13 dollars offer?
Today let's be honest to yourself and answer my questions. You will see how irrational you are.
The question is : Suppose I offer you a choice between a free 10 Amazon gift certificate and a 20 gift certificate for 7 dollars. Think quickly, and answer yourself, Which would you take?
If you jump for the 10 dollars certificate for FREE!, you would have been like most of the people some scholars tested at one of the malls in Boston.
The irrational point is that the 20 dollars gift certificate for 7 dollars assures a 13 dollars profit while the FREE option delivers 10 dollars. It's clear that go for the 20 dollars certificate is better than the 10 dollar FREE option which only delivers 10 dollars profit.
Can you see the irrational behaviours we have chosen? Or, are you a rational or irrational people? I am irrational haha!
The attractiveness showed that the FREE! option is clearly in its own class of choice. It triggers own irrational mind in this experiment.
I will share again on this topic in the coming few days, that's interesting!
Interesting reading. Enjoy behavioural economics. Make the subject simple, more people will enjoy it.
Do you prefer the 10 dollars profit or the 13 dollars offer?
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Cash Cow 6 -- Power Asset
The following news line is worthy noting. It said that because of potential investment opportunities and the subsequent capital needs, 6 is not going to distribute its cash holdings to share holders.
電能不派特息 瞄準三收購
電能4月底宣布,成立合資公司以約70.65億元收購赫斯基能源(Husky Energy)輸油管道資產65%權益。至於第二、三個項目,早前撰寫報告預告電能會暫緩派息的大和資本市場香港中國公共事業、再生能源及環保研究主管葉捷賢相信,項目將會包括長建夥拍電能參與競投的澳洲電網公司(Ausgrid),估計可能於8月會有結果,屆時適逢上市公司公布半年業績,電能或會視乎競投結果而再作派特別股息的決定。葉捷賢目前仍然較看好長建多於電能,預期前者較後者有更多併購機會,同時長建持有電能近40%股份,能受惠電能任何合併收購機會。
The responsibilities of the managers is to act as the shareholders' agents and to maximise the return of their shareholders. If the potential acquisition is OK, a rational shareholder should support the management professionals to do so because managers can utilise their moneys smarter than the individual shareholders.
If you trust the managers, let them hold and use the cashes. If you dun trust them, how come you invest in them and their company at the outset?
However, I like 1038 more than 6. how about you?
6 is a typical cash cow, it generates large amount of cash inflow. The difficulties of its managers are how to maximise the investment return of the pool of money. It is not always means that holding more money is better. Sometimes, too much idle cash will motivate the managers to make bad decisions. Be careful.
電能不派特息 瞄準三收購
電能4月底宣布,成立合資公司以約70.65億元收購赫斯基能源(Husky Energy)輸油管道資產65%權益。至於第二、三個項目,早前撰寫報告預告電能會暫緩派息的大和資本市場香港中國公共事業、再生能源及環保研究主管葉捷賢相信,項目將會包括長建夥拍電能參與競投的澳洲電網公司(Ausgrid),估計可能於8月會有結果,屆時適逢上市公司公布半年業績,電能或會視乎競投結果而再作派特別股息的決定。葉捷賢目前仍然較看好長建多於電能,預期前者較後者有更多併購機會,同時長建持有電能近40%股份,能受惠電能任何合併收購機會。
The responsibilities of the managers is to act as the shareholders' agents and to maximise the return of their shareholders. If the potential acquisition is OK, a rational shareholder should support the management professionals to do so because managers can utilise their moneys smarter than the individual shareholders.
If you trust the managers, let them hold and use the cashes. If you dun trust them, how come you invest in them and their company at the outset?
However, I like 1038 more than 6. how about you?
6 is a typical cash cow, it generates large amount of cash inflow. The difficulties of its managers are how to maximise the investment return of the pool of money. It is not always means that holding more money is better. Sometimes, too much idle cash will motivate the managers to make bad decisions. Be careful.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
3988's aeroplane rental business
The development of the rumours in the past few days seems that every bit is ready for 3988 to spin off its aeroplane rental business in coming weeks -- maybe week!.
I don't know and wondering when the Cheung Kong Hutchison will spin off its aeroplane rental business ar?!
3988's aeroplane rental business has unique advantage compared to other competitors -- being a branch business of a large bank. 3988 is able to raise a lot savings and idling money from the citizens at low cost. And rental business is quite capital intensive, Bingo, 3988 feeds its aeroplane rental business by supplying low cost money, perfect supplementary businesses.
The investment potential of the aeroplane business may not be of explosive, Rather, it is a constant cash inflow business. It is relatively low risk in my point of view. Except those unpredictable issues like air aeroplane accident or large scale decrease in demand of aeroplanes (e.g. sudden decrease of travellers, shrinking of trading and thus demand of air delivery etc), I heard that this business can generate at least 10% profit per year.
Are you interested in investing a steady but safe company?
I don't know and wondering when the Cheung Kong Hutchison will spin off its aeroplane rental business ar?!
3988's aeroplane rental business has unique advantage compared to other competitors -- being a branch business of a large bank. 3988 is able to raise a lot savings and idling money from the citizens at low cost. And rental business is quite capital intensive, Bingo, 3988 feeds its aeroplane rental business by supplying low cost money, perfect supplementary businesses.
The investment potential of the aeroplane business may not be of explosive, Rather, it is a constant cash inflow business. It is relatively low risk in my point of view. Except those unpredictable issues like air aeroplane accident or large scale decrease in demand of aeroplanes (e.g. sudden decrease of travellers, shrinking of trading and thus demand of air delivery etc), I heard that this business can generate at least 10% profit per year.
Are you interested in investing a steady but safe company?
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
CX new activities.
The share price of CX has fallen for some time and move at the level of 12-13 for some time.
Today, rumors out in the market said that CX is trying to bid for the 25.9% share stake of the Virgin Australian airline, what do you feel?
今日 11:07 港股直擊 香港財經 國際財經
澳洲媒體《Australian Financial Review》引述消息人士表示,國泰(00293)有意競購維珍澳洲航空25.9%股權。
Do you think whether the rumours are real?
I hope CX can grow by this potential deal. I like CX very much.
Today, rumors out in the market said that CX is trying to bid for the 25.9% share stake of the Virgin Australian airline, what do you feel?
今日 11:07 港股直擊 香港財經 國際財經
澳洲媒體《Australian Financial Review》引述消息人士表示,國泰(00293)有意競購維珍澳洲航空25.9%股權。
Do you think whether the rumours are real?
I hope CX can grow by this potential deal. I like CX very much.
今日 11:33 時事脈搏
紅色暴雨警告訊號正生效 今早第二次
又係同一個問題啦,在接近出門上學的時間,D部門就好似唔識做野咁,其實如果係要發出紅雨,可以早D 嗎?如果係要因為紅雨而停課,可以早D嗎?要知道D 小朋友出了門在路上,家長們是很難安排的。大約七點半這時間,有好多小朋友都揞近回到學校了,這時發出通知是會很混亂的。起碼我兩個仔就已經回到學校了。
今日 11:20 時事脈搏
今日 11:33 時事脈搏
紅色暴雨警告訊號正生效 今早第二次
又係同一個問題啦,在接近出門上學的時間,D部門就好似唔識做野咁,其實如果係要發出紅雨,可以早D 嗎?如果係要因為紅雨而停課,可以早D嗎?要知道D 小朋友出了門在路上,家長們是很難安排的。大約七點半這時間,有好多小朋友都揞近回到學校了,這時發出通知是會很混亂的。起碼我兩個仔就已經回到學校了。
今日 11:20 時事脈搏
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
By StartupBeat on May 1, 2016
1. 聊天機械人
2. 擴增實境(AR)
3. 虛擬實境(VR)
4. 電動車
5. 3D打印
6. 擴增實境及虛擬實境在醫療的應用
7. 無線充電
8. 家用充電系統
我最鍾意7 無綫充電。夠方便!!
By StartupBeat on May 1, 2016
1. 聊天機械人
2. 擴增實境(AR)
3. 虛擬實境(VR)
4. 電動車
5. 3D打印
6. 擴增實境及虛擬實境在醫療的應用
7. 無線充電
8. 家用充電系統
我最鍾意7 無綫充電。夠方便!!
Thursday, April 28, 2016
又一內銀公布業績 -- 今次是農行
Change management discussions
Nowadays, organizations are doing much to cope with the uncertainties and volatility. That means they face changes frequently and during their daily routine.
Companies are trying to improve their forecasting and increase their agility. But these tactics have limitations. Forecasts quickly become obsolete, and perfect flexibility is costly to achieve -- if not impossible.
What can the companies do to improve their reactions?
It is suggested that organisations should complement their efforts with "strategic" options that serve as a hedge against uncertainties (i.e. change). These include temporary organisations, exploratory acquisitions, and disposable or modular factories.
In the midst of the course of implementation, there will be many challenges. For example, persuading employees that the long term benefit of the options outweigh their high short term cost. Moreover, Building skills -- for instance, in acquiring and integrating acquisitions. Lastly, the changing of forecasting culture and focusing more on understanding risks.It requires a cultural change, from time to time, to effect the changes done. And we need to refreeze after any change anyway.
Reading the argument here is well set up and makes perfect sense. The question is how to realise the theoretical benefits in the change process. It said much about "What should we do". However, the main question manager wants to tackle now is "How can we do that, do those..."
Any pragmatic suggestions or ideas?
Companies are trying to improve their forecasting and increase their agility. But these tactics have limitations. Forecasts quickly become obsolete, and perfect flexibility is costly to achieve -- if not impossible.
What can the companies do to improve their reactions?
It is suggested that organisations should complement their efforts with "strategic" options that serve as a hedge against uncertainties (i.e. change). These include temporary organisations, exploratory acquisitions, and disposable or modular factories.
In the midst of the course of implementation, there will be many challenges. For example, persuading employees that the long term benefit of the options outweigh their high short term cost. Moreover, Building skills -- for instance, in acquiring and integrating acquisitions. Lastly, the changing of forecasting culture and focusing more on understanding risks.It requires a cultural change, from time to time, to effect the changes done. And we need to refreeze after any change anyway.
Reading the argument here is well set up and makes perfect sense. The question is how to realise the theoretical benefits in the change process. It said much about "What should we do". However, the main question manager wants to tackle now is "How can we do that, do those..."
Any pragmatic suggestions or ideas?
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Apple announced 2016 Q2 results
蘋果iPhone銷售首跌 股價挫逾6%
蘋果行政總裁庫克接受《華爾街日報》訪問時表示,上季是具挑戰性的一季,因為iPhone銷售難與去年同期相比,原因是去年同期有iPhone 6與6 Plus的強勁銷情。
蘋果行政總裁庫克接受《華爾街日報》訪問時表示,上季是具挑戰性的一季,因為iPhone銷售難與去年同期相比,原因是去年同期有iPhone 6與6 Plus的強勁銷情。
Investment potential of NO. 6 Power Asset
給果參考 FA+的資料,綜合11個分析員預測,其2016年及2017年的每股盈利按年增長分別為-5.9%及1.5%,預測巿盈率為20.9倍,估值昂貴。
6 仔有機會派發特別股息,大約可以每股汦幾元,這是它吸引的地方,但業務前景只有持平已經很好了,你買之前要有心理準備先好。這是一隻純種的收息股,你有耐性嗎?
我相信我們會見到更多 6 號你的收購消息。
給果參考 FA+的資料,綜合11個分析員預測,其2016年及2017年的每股盈利按年增長分別為-5.9%及1.5%,預測巿盈率為20.9倍,估值昂貴。
6 仔有機會派發特別股息,大約可以每股汦幾元,這是它吸引的地方,但業務前景只有持平已經很好了,你買之前要有心理準備先好。這是一隻純種的收息股,你有耐性嗎?
我相信我們會見到更多 6 號你的收購消息。
How to cope with change with weak signals?
Today, change management is at the heart of manager's daily jobs.
The challenge is that the future is shaped by non linear changes (i.e. abrupt changes and large scale changes are involved) and chance events. How can we prepare our organisation to respond to these changes?
In a HBR article, it is argued that companies have to recognise the weak signals that herald important changes to the business and identify the opportunities they present.
There must then develop a program of experimentation to distill and scale unpromising ideas. Therefore, organisation can consider some pilot test and small scale implementation at the beginning of the change process. After creating a critical mass and the publication of successful stories, the change initiatives will be implemented much more smoothly, gradually to the whole organization.
The organization must interpret the weak signals as opportunities, as risk, or as both. Another challenge is that the weak signal can be real signals or just noise. It is the manager's responsibilities to separate real changes ahead and those noisy signals.
There are five important questions to be asked. They are as follow:
1. Who will be your customers in the future? What will be their priority?
2. What disruptive technologies might open up new opportunities spaces?
3. Whom will you be competing against in the future, and on what basis?
4. Will your go-to-market approach change fundamentally inn the future?
5. What are the potential regulatory reforms?
Upon your answering to these questions, you may well aware some new changes or ideas evolved.
Good luck to you -- our everyday manager.
The challenge is that the future is shaped by non linear changes (i.e. abrupt changes and large scale changes are involved) and chance events. How can we prepare our organisation to respond to these changes?
In a HBR article, it is argued that companies have to recognise the weak signals that herald important changes to the business and identify the opportunities they present.
There must then develop a program of experimentation to distill and scale unpromising ideas. Therefore, organisation can consider some pilot test and small scale implementation at the beginning of the change process. After creating a critical mass and the publication of successful stories, the change initiatives will be implemented much more smoothly, gradually to the whole organization.
The organization must interpret the weak signals as opportunities, as risk, or as both. Another challenge is that the weak signal can be real signals or just noise. It is the manager's responsibilities to separate real changes ahead and those noisy signals.
There are five important questions to be asked. They are as follow:
1. Who will be your customers in the future? What will be their priority?
2. What disruptive technologies might open up new opportunities spaces?
3. Whom will you be competing against in the future, and on what basis?
4. Will your go-to-market approach change fundamentally inn the future?
5. What are the potential regulatory reforms?
Upon your answering to these questions, you may well aware some new changes or ideas evolved.
Good luck to you -- our everyday manager.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
據保薦人中銀國際撰寫的報告估計,中銀航空租賃的估值介乎42.37億至53.06億美元(約330.49億至413.87億港元)。 中銀航空租賃昨日向投資者發放初步銷售文件。市傳集資額達到了15億美元。
根據中銀月人月竹水放的資料,其後三年的收入是12.03億美元(升10.3 %); 14.95億美元(升24.3%)和18.65憶美元(升24.7%)
據保薦人中銀國際撰寫的報告估計,中銀航空租賃的估值介乎42.37億至53.06億美元(約330.49億至413.87億港元)。 中銀航空租賃昨日向投資者發放初步銷售文件。市傳集資額達到了15億美元。
根據中銀月人月竹水放的資料,其後三年的收入是12.03億美元(升10.3 %); 14.95億美元(升24.3%)和18.65憶美元(升24.7%)
Monday, April 25, 2016
How a leader should do in modern management?
A real problem in management is that the employees and other stakeholders will look to leaders to make consistent decisions, keep a steady course, and aligned organisation's culture. But the problem is that leaders typically face multiple demands that conflict with one another, and it's a mistake to assume there are cut-and-dried choices.
As per nowadays, strategic paradoxes are essentially dilemmas that cannot be resolved. Tensions usuallyand continually arise between today's needs and tomorrow's (innovation paradoxes), between global and local integration and interests (globalisation paradoxes), and between social missions and financial pressures (obligation paradoxes).
How can we solve the difficult circumstances?
Managers need to shift from an "either/or" mindset to a "both/and" one by seeing the virtues of inconsistency, recognising that resources are not always finite, and embracing change rather than chasing stability. In practical terms, this means nurturing the unique aspects of competing constituencies and strategies while finding ways to unite them.
The theoretical suggestions seems reasonable, but I wonder which CEO in the world can perform as suggested?
Sadly, today's management is change oriented. change management is at the core of the whole thing.
Um... take care of yourself if you are at management level in an organisation.
Sleep tight, bye for now.
As per nowadays, strategic paradoxes are essentially dilemmas that cannot be resolved. Tensions usuallyand continually arise between today's needs and tomorrow's (innovation paradoxes), between global and local integration and interests (globalisation paradoxes), and between social missions and financial pressures (obligation paradoxes).
How can we solve the difficult circumstances?
Managers need to shift from an "either/or" mindset to a "both/and" one by seeing the virtues of inconsistency, recognising that resources are not always finite, and embracing change rather than chasing stability. In practical terms, this means nurturing the unique aspects of competing constituencies and strategies while finding ways to unite them.
The theoretical suggestions seems reasonable, but I wonder which CEO in the world can perform as suggested?
Sadly, today's management is change oriented. change management is at the core of the whole thing.
Um... take care of yourself if you are at management level in an organisation.
Sleep tight, bye for now.
Creative job titles
Job titles don't usually generate much excitement. They are printed on business cards, your linkedin accounts and formal introduction of you.
Can the titles do any concrete work in boosting employees' performance? Let's move to see.
It is argued that some creative job titles can boost employees' motivation to perform well and becomes more creative. It can also boost worker's attitude and recruitment. It is found that the retitling of job will attract more talent to apply for the job vacancies.
Some creative job titles are:
Disney park workers is "cast members"; Subway's line worker is "sandwich artists"; Disney's engineers and m multimedia experts are "imagineers". Quite good?!
The most creative job title is this: The receptionist becomes the "Director of first impression". that's real and describes nicely the work of a receptionist.
So good, right?
Can you suggest more? How about Chief Washroom Inspector? Internal auditor of toilet consumables?
These job titles are creative and sometimes self-inflated, But I like them very much.
How about you? Will you ask your boss to retitle your job contents?
You should let him have a inflated and beautiful title first.
OK, time to return to work la, enjoy your working life.
Will say more on other topics if I am free later
Can the titles do any concrete work in boosting employees' performance? Let's move to see.
It is argued that some creative job titles can boost employees' motivation to perform well and becomes more creative. It can also boost worker's attitude and recruitment. It is found that the retitling of job will attract more talent to apply for the job vacancies.
Some creative job titles are:
Disney park workers is "cast members"; Subway's line worker is "sandwich artists"; Disney's engineers and m multimedia experts are "imagineers". Quite good?!
The most creative job title is this: The receptionist becomes the "Director of first impression". that's real and describes nicely the work of a receptionist.
So good, right?
Can you suggest more? How about Chief Washroom Inspector? Internal auditor of toilet consumables?
These job titles are creative and sometimes self-inflated, But I like them very much.
How about you? Will you ask your boss to retitle your job contents?
You should let him have a inflated and beautiful title first.
OK, time to return to work la, enjoy your working life.
Will say more on other topics if I am free later
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Potential investments
The market situation is neither good nor bad.
You can't say the market or economy is bad but you can't say it's good either.
US is continuing its QE, China is struggling to maintain the momentum of its economy to about 6.5% to 7% growth inGDP.
I would recommend that the first rule is avoid losing of your principle, and the second rule is not to forget rule 1. <-- Haha, you are right, these are from Buffett. I recommend the following five categories of shares, let's hope them perform well: 1. Software or application companies, like games manufacturer, iOS and android apps, big data analysis etc. 2. the leader of industries. Particularly, the leader who has grasped firmly the pricing of the industry. 3. growth shares, I mean the annual l growth exceeds 20% and for a few years 4. some "safe?" shares like public utilities in the recession 5. health care services and drug manufacturers providers What is your view? I am waiting for the better prices to buy some of them, how do you think? Please comment and teach me. Good luck.
You can't say the market or economy is bad but you can't say it's good either.
US is continuing its QE, China is struggling to maintain the momentum of its economy to about 6.5% to 7% growth inGDP.
I would recommend that the first rule is avoid losing of your principle, and the second rule is not to forget rule 1. <-- Haha, you are right, these are from Buffett. I recommend the following five categories of shares, let's hope them perform well: 1. Software or application companies, like games manufacturer, iOS and android apps, big data analysis etc. 2. the leader of industries. Particularly, the leader who has grasped firmly the pricing of the industry. 3. growth shares, I mean the annual l growth exceeds 20% and for a few years 4. some "safe?" shares like public utilities in the recession 5. health care services and drug manufacturers providers What is your view? I am waiting for the better prices to buy some of them, how do you think? Please comment and teach me. Good luck.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Market outlook -- figures
HSI 半日的表現如下:
恒生指數 21,300.65 139.15 國企指數 9,165.52 74.67 上證指數 3,035.09 1.43
御泰中彩(00555):停牌逾九個月後,今早復牌,股價裂口低開50.5%,曾跌55.7%見0.195元,半日收報0.255元跌42%,成交額達4.18億元。集團去年6月24日遭沽空機構匿名分析(Anonymous Analytics)指向市場作出虛假陳述,當日中途停牌,昨日發出澄清公告。
恒生指數 21,300.65 139.15 國企指數 9,165.52 74.67 上證指數 3,035.09 1.43
御泰中彩(00555):停牌逾九個月後,今早復牌,股價裂口低開50.5%,曾跌55.7%見0.195元,半日收報0.255元跌42%,成交額達4.18億元。集團去年6月24日遭沽空機構匿名分析(Anonymous Analytics)指向市場作出虛假陳述,當日中途停牌,昨日發出澄清公告。
Monday, April 18, 2016
China's economy
現在991 的表現清楚的告訴了我們,經濟不是很有活力,經濟成長率和活動也不活躍。
現在991 的表現清楚的告訴了我們,經濟不是很有活力,經濟成長率和活動也不活躍。
2628 的季績
今天大和發表了對了2628 和 2601 的報告。
大和降國壽評級 料首季盈利大跌甚至虧損
大和資本 中國人壽(02628)
評級:跑贏大市-> 持有
現時 2628 的造價大約是19 個幾,和大和的目標價是一樣的,無什麼吸引之處,但如果佢回到17 或是 18元月的話,便有值搏的理由,笗意住吧。
以及 2601 及 2628 的資料作比較,我是較為喜歡 2628 的,希望它不要令我跌眼鏡啒。
大和降國壽評級 料首季盈利大跌甚至虧損
大和資本 中國人壽(02628)
評級:跑贏大市-> 持有
現時 2628 的造價大約是19 個幾,和大和的目標價是一樣的,無什麼吸引之處,但如果佢回到17 或是 18元月的話,便有值搏的理由,笗意住吧。
以及 2601 及 2628 的資料作比較,我是較為喜歡 2628 的,希望它不要令我跌眼鏡啒。
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Kurt Lewin's three step model of change -- elaborated
It is quite plain and natural to cite Lewin's work when we are discussing change management.
In the original version, Lewin broke the change process down into three phrases, i.e. the unfreeze, move and refreeze. Today's blog illustrates this model with more details. Don't miss.
The three steps model can be broken down and be described as a seven steps model like this:
(1) Diagnose the problem -- unfreeze
(2) assess the motivation and capacity for change -- unfreeze
(3) Assess the motivation, resources and commitment of change agent -- unfreeze
(4)choose progressive change object and develop to-do lists and strategy -- move
(5) select and clarify the role and responsibilities of the change agent -- move
(6) uphold change through communication, coordination and feedback -- refreeze
(7) progressively let go of the helping relationship where the change agents withdraw their responsibilities and the change is integrated into the culture of the organization -- refreeze
You may see that this seven steps model is only a detailed version of Lewin's three steps model of change, no surprise. But it can act as a checklist of actions in the change process.
I will keep the above materials for future reference, are you a potential change agent in your organization? Equip yourself now la~
Good luck and healthy!
In the original version, Lewin broke the change process down into three phrases, i.e. the unfreeze, move and refreeze. Today's blog illustrates this model with more details. Don't miss.
The three steps model can be broken down and be described as a seven steps model like this:
(1) Diagnose the problem -- unfreeze
(2) assess the motivation and capacity for change -- unfreeze
(3) Assess the motivation, resources and commitment of change agent -- unfreeze
(4)choose progressive change object and develop to-do lists and strategy -- move
(5) select and clarify the role and responsibilities of the change agent -- move
(6) uphold change through communication, coordination and feedback -- refreeze
(7) progressively let go of the helping relationship where the change agents withdraw their responsibilities and the change is integrated into the culture of the organization -- refreeze
You may see that this seven steps model is only a detailed version of Lewin's three steps model of change, no surprise. But it can act as a checklist of actions in the change process.
I will keep the above materials for future reference, are you a potential change agent in your organization? Equip yourself now la~
Good luck and healthy!
Thursday, April 14, 2016
This post is related to the application of the Piotroski F-Score to pick up some potential investments.
First, we should list all the criteria:
(1) ROA > 0
(2) Cash flow from operation, CFO, >0
(3) ROA increasing
(4) CFO > NI
(5) LT debt to total asset decreasing
(6) current ratio increasing
(7) No share outstanding increasing
(8) gross margin increasing
(9) Asset turnover increasing.
Basing on these criteria, A list of high F-score shares are filtered out:
-- 0014
-- 0468
-- 0551
-- 1044
-- 1347
-- 1883
-- 1968
-- 2314
-- 2331
These shares scored 8 or above in the tests.
Amongst these, I personally like the 14 and 2314 most. Maybe 2331 will have a rebound this year, but i have reservation on it
How about you?
Let's review the performance a year later.
First, we should list all the criteria:
(1) ROA > 0
(2) Cash flow from operation, CFO, >0
(3) ROA increasing
(4) CFO > NI
(5) LT debt to total asset decreasing
(6) current ratio increasing
(7) No share outstanding increasing
(8) gross margin increasing
(9) Asset turnover increasing.
Basing on these criteria, A list of high F-score shares are filtered out:
-- 0014
-- 0468
-- 0551
-- 1044
-- 1347
-- 1883
-- 1968
-- 2314
-- 2331
These shares scored 8 or above in the tests.
Amongst these, I personally like the 14 and 2314 most. Maybe 2331 will have a rebound this year, but i have reservation on it
How about you?
Let's review the performance a year later.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Vitasoy -- 345
it has been for some time since my previous posting in this blog.
The topic of today is some investment ideas around the share, 345 the Vita Soy, enjoy ^_^.
Vitasoy is a established local brand. It is one of the most famous local brands. It sells vitasoy, lemon tea, vita water, DoFu etc using an umbrella of a wide range of different brands.
Its trading PE is nearly 40 times, and its book to market value is about 8 times. Basing on these figures, 345 is expensive, super expensive.
I like this local brand a lot and i buy its products frequently. I have faith on it, So I keep an eye on it for some possible lower prices to buy in. I am a customer of 345 already. When will I become a shareholder in the near future?
Vitasoy has invested some monies in mainland China. Those are manufacturing factory facilities.
345 wishes to explore the mainland market as well.
In the first half of this FY, the net profits of 345 rose 40%. The company explained that the rise was partly resulted form the dropping raw materials costs,
As an unknown in the future, 345 can't rely on dropping material prices to support the profits, the raw material prices may rebound and squeeze the profit margin in the coming half of the FY, who knows!! In addition, the capital expenditure in the latter half 2015/16 will double that of the former half 2016.
However, the CFO told the media that the group had sold some non core assets to increase the cash level of the company. I believe it has no need to increase debt or to do share placing in the near future.
I will keep an eye on this company continuously, how about you?
Today, 345's market price is HKD 14.58.
Good share but too expensive.
You may also read other article about 345 in this blog. Just go to the directory and search.
The topic of today is some investment ideas around the share, 345 the Vita Soy, enjoy ^_^.
Vitasoy is a established local brand. It is one of the most famous local brands. It sells vitasoy, lemon tea, vita water, DoFu etc using an umbrella of a wide range of different brands.
Its trading PE is nearly 40 times, and its book to market value is about 8 times. Basing on these figures, 345 is expensive, super expensive.
I like this local brand a lot and i buy its products frequently. I have faith on it, So I keep an eye on it for some possible lower prices to buy in. I am a customer of 345 already. When will I become a shareholder in the near future?
Vitasoy has invested some monies in mainland China. Those are manufacturing factory facilities.
345 wishes to explore the mainland market as well.
In the first half of this FY, the net profits of 345 rose 40%. The company explained that the rise was partly resulted form the dropping raw materials costs,
As an unknown in the future, 345 can't rely on dropping material prices to support the profits, the raw material prices may rebound and squeeze the profit margin in the coming half of the FY, who knows!! In addition, the capital expenditure in the latter half 2015/16 will double that of the former half 2016.
However, the CFO told the media that the group had sold some non core assets to increase the cash level of the company. I believe it has no need to increase debt or to do share placing in the near future.
I will keep an eye on this company continuously, how about you?
Today, 345's market price is HKD 14.58.
Good share but too expensive.
You may also read other article about 345 in this blog. Just go to the directory and search.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
HBR -- Harvard Business Review.
Today, I read an old issue of HBR Harvard Business Review and discovered an interesting article.
The article discusses the collaborative work in organisations and suggests some new ideas. The article is like this:
The general situation is for the last two decades, the amount of time managers and employees spend on collaborative work has ballooned. at many companies people now spend about 80% of their time in meeting or answering colleagues' requests. So free time of individuals is diminishing
Although the benefits of a=collaboration are well documented, the costs often go unrecognised. When demands for collaboration run too high or aren't spread evenly throughout the organisation, workflow bottlenecks and employee burnout would result.
The article suggests that leader must learn to better manage collaboration in their companies by mapping demand and supply, eliminating or redistributing work, and incentivising people to collaborate more efficiently.
The question raised in this article is not new. However, insofar, we focus and see the benefits of collaboration. Is becomes a must.
Remember to investigate the potential benefits and also the costs is important. Don't be blind.
Don't forget, happy learning together.
Don't know why, I feel the quality and depth of the articles posted in HBR is not as good as in the past... *-*
Bye for now.
The article discusses the collaborative work in organisations and suggests some new ideas. The article is like this:
The general situation is for the last two decades, the amount of time managers and employees spend on collaborative work has ballooned. at many companies people now spend about 80% of their time in meeting or answering colleagues' requests. So free time of individuals is diminishing
Although the benefits of a=collaboration are well documented, the costs often go unrecognised. When demands for collaboration run too high or aren't spread evenly throughout the organisation, workflow bottlenecks and employee burnout would result.
The article suggests that leader must learn to better manage collaboration in their companies by mapping demand and supply, eliminating or redistributing work, and incentivising people to collaborate more efficiently.
The question raised in this article is not new. However, insofar, we focus and see the benefits of collaboration. Is becomes a must.
Remember to investigate the potential benefits and also the costs is important. Don't be blind.
Don't forget, happy learning together.
Don't know why, I feel the quality and depth of the articles posted in HBR is not as good as in the past... *-*
Bye for now.
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