Thursday, July 24, 2014

LATEX Flowchart package -- flow chart and organization chart

The flowchart package in TikZ can be used to draw both flowchart and organization chart.

The following lines need to be included in the preamble:
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex',font={\sf \small}]
When used to draw flowcahrt, the arrow line between nodes (i.e. the process items) is indicated by "-->" in the \draw[->] commands. When it is used to draw organization chart, the arrow line can be replaced by simple line using the symbol "-". Then a simple line without arrow head is drawn.

e.g. \draw[->] (terminal1) -- (decide1) for flowchart;

e.g. \draw[--] (boss) -- (suibordinate) for organization chart.

For future reference.

Useful link to the documentation of the package is at:

Flow Chart package usage/explanation

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